Each building, listed or not, is the result of an era, an architect, craftspeople and a construction technology according to the historical moment of its construction.

At Proskene we are specialists in evaluating the impact of these factors on the intervention and management of existing buildings, studying their constructive characteristics, singularities and potential.

That is why our clients, whether they are building owners, real estate managers or designers, contact us to carry out the preliminary studies now indispensable in any preliminary phase of any intervention.

CURRENT STATE We accompany our clients in their projects evaluating the state of conservation of the property, analyzing their legal status and regulatory framework.
FEASIBILITYWe study the possibilities of rehabilitation or change of use and its feasibility, identifying opportunities and risks.
INVESTMENT We quantify rehabilitation costs and investment analysis and identify funding sources or partnerships, without losing sight of the environmental impact and sustainability in each project.
CONSTRUCTIONWe carry out assessment reports of the building, technical surveys, inspections and due diligences, aimed at studying both the current state of the building and strategies for maintenance and conservation of heritage.